Serving Christ on the Gulf Coast since 1846!

We celebrate Holy Eucharist each Sunday. 8am (Rite I - in person) 10:00am (Rite II - in person and online) 5:30pm on Wednesday (Rite II - in person and online)

Our Outreach Committee is always seeking to fill the needs in our community.

We are located on the Northeast corner of Cowan and West Taylor Roads in Gulfport.

We offer Bible study and other classes year round. Deepen your faith by building your knowledge in community.

Learn new ways to connect with God in our hurried and hectic lives. Guided by spiritual teachers, join us in spiritual understanding, discovery, and growth.
Welcome Home to St. Mark's
​We are an Episcopal Church, therefore in the Anglican tradition our service is ordered by our Book of Common Prayer and our music is drawn from our Hymnal 1982. It is our custom to celebrate Holy Communion each week. During this service we gather together to read scripture, receive instruction, pray for the needs of this community and the wider world.​ We also confess our shortcomings, hear assurance of God’s forgiveness, and receive nourishment in body and spirit to return to the world again for another week of service to God.​ In our Baptism we promise to seek and serve Christ in every person we encounter. We hope you will join us for worship.
Worship Service Times
Sunday Morning, 8am
Holy Eucharist, Rite I
Coffee & Holy Questions
Immediately following
8am service
Sunday Morning, 10am
Holy Eucharist, Rite II
(In-Person and Online)
Coffee Hour & Sunday School
Immediately following the
10am service
Wednesday Evening, 5:30pm
Holy Eucharist, Rite II
Followed by Dinner & Bible Study
(The 10am service is available live on our Facebook Page each week and then afterward here or on Youtube.)