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What we pray, is what we believe

The rhythm of our life is guided by our common prayer.


The best way to learn about an Episcopal Church is to join us on a Sunday for worship! It is our custom to celebrate Holy Communion each week.


During this service we gather together to read scripture, receive instruction, pray for the needs of this community and the wider world, confess our shortcomings, hear assurance of God’s forgiveness, and receive nourishment in body and spirit to return to the world for another week, seeking to love and serve Christ in every person we encounter.


St. Mark’s is an Episcopal Church, therefore in the Anglican tradition our service is ordered by our Book of Common Prayer. A copy of this prayer book is provided in the pew for your use in worship (red cover) and the page numbers are listed in the left hand column of our worship program.


Our music is drawn from our Hymnal 1982, also provided (blue cover), and the hymn numbers are listed along the right hand column of our worship program. If you need assistance with either of these books, feel free to ask a fellow worshiper nearby, we will be glad to help you.


All baptized Christians, regardless of denomination, are welcome to receive communion in this Church. If you do not wish to receive communion, you are invited to come forward to receive a blessing.


During the service we offer our prayers to God on behalf of our community and national leaders, those who are sick, who have died, or who have lost a loved one.


We also pray for the world around us, for our nation and for all those who work for reconciliation.  If you would like to have your petitions read aloud by the lay minister simply write them in the intercession book as you enter the nave.

Pray The Daily Office

with us.


The Daily Office is an ancient tradition that appoints a specific set of prayers and readings for each day. Throughout the day we offer prayers for morning, noonday, and evening. If you feel the call to a disciplined liturgy daily or just occasionally, you'll find a useful form of prayer here.

The Daily Office material above is from the Book of Common Prayer 1979, provided by Forward Movement.

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